Next time you encounter Washington state DOL test questions and answers which you previously used the ‘cheat’ features to assist with, you will probably be able to choose the correct solution on your own.

Do not be reluctant to use these tools even though they will not be available during the real DOL written test, as they will ultimately allow you to improve on your score faster. Though at any point during the quiz, you can click the ‘hint’ feature to generate a helpful hint about the correct permit test answers, or the ‘50/50’ feature to half the number of answers in the multiple-choice list. If you are getting on just fine answering questions on your own, feel free to ignore these study aids and work through the entire DOL cheat sheet unaided. How exactly does this ‘cheat’ function work? Next to each of the 40 questions this knowledge test practice WA quiz contains, you will see two optional study aids labelled ‘50/50’ and ‘hint’. We call this WA DOL permit practice test a ‘cheat sheet’ because it gives you the option to ‘cheat’, when you cannot find the right DOL written test answers!

As the DMV cheat sheet has been built to improve your knowledge in the run-up to the DOL written test in Washington state, it includes some bonus learner-support features which you can lean on if you have trouble answering questions. This WA DOL practice test contains 40 questions and requires the same 32 correct permit test answers as the real general knowledge test.

We have essentially created a free Washington state knowledge test practice quiz which works exactly like the real 2023 permit test. In fact, every major driver’s ed topic that you can expect to appear on the WA DMV written test is addressed here. First-time drivers can use the Washington knowledge test cheat sheet on this page to make sure their understanding of road rules, road signs and traffic signals is good enough to pass the DOL written test.